June 8 MIDE 2014 Chidren Contest
The 9th Malaysia International Dive Expo 2014 has been scheduled from 6 to 8 June 2014, at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur
Location : Level 3, Tun Razak Hall 3, Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel : +603 7980 9902 Fax : +603 7980 4902 Directions
Pascal’s Exhibition at PASCAL GALLERY, near the Stage and Art Zone.
About the Children Couloring contest.
June 7 MIDE 2014 Children contest
The 9th Malaysia International Dive Expo 2014 has been scheduled from 6 to 8 June 2014, at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur
Location : Level 3, Tun Razak Hall 3, Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel : +603 7980 9902 Fax : +603 7980 4902 Directions
Pascal’s Exhibition at PASCAL GALLERY, near the Stage and Art Zone.
About the Children Couloring contest.
May 3rd Our World Underwater Scholarship Society
The 40th annual weekend in NYC was an amazing celebration with the final dissertation of the 2013 scholars, lectures by former scholars and the introduction of the 2014 new scholars.
I’m a proud sponsor of the Society since 2003 and a big fan of the concept to offer to smart young people the opportunity to become smarter, to make a smarter world.
My donations are not usefull for the immediate year of the scholars but I’d like to think that the artwork they are choosing from my collection, will enjoy them later, when hung on their wall, it will remind them of the amazing year they spend during their scholarship.
I’m confident that they will work hard to preserve the beauty of the underwater world or improve our knowledge about it.
Big applause to the volunteers, board and sponsors to make this possible.
Congratulations to Chloe Marechal, Jeff Hester and Stefan Andrews for their spectacular year.
Goodspeed to Ana Sofia Guerra , Elena Salim Haubold and Courtney Rayes , the new North American, European and Australasia 2014 Scholars.
Shark Week Palau March 3-10 part4
Last workshop at Melekeok, East coast of Palau and again at Maris Stella in Koror with again great kids
Shark Week Palau March 3-10 part3
Workshop at Ngaremlengui, North of Palau, luxuriant but desolate with awesome kids trying to study with almost nothing, then back to Koror for a new session at Maris Stella School !
Shark Week Palau March 3-10 part2
Workshop with almost 200 kids at Harris Elementary School, Koror Elementary School and Maris Stella School !
Then slides and video presentation at Fish n’ Fins: “The painter of Blue ”
Shark Week Palau March 3-10 workshop
Shark Week is an entertaining and educational week held annually by the Micronesian Shark Foundation and Fish’n Fins. With nightly lectures, presentations and documentaries the fun continues after the diving stops! Every year we have guests from filmmakers to scientists and marine enforcement officials helping you understand the world of shark conservation. Shark Week is planned to take place during the Grey Reef Shark mating season, when hundreds of Grey Reefs come into the reef to mate, giving you the chance to get close to these wonderful predators.
First day workshop at Meyuns Elementary School
Exhibition at the Palau Pacific Resort March 7th and 8th , presentation Tuesday the 4th at Fish and Fins, workshop with kids with Pascal in Palau schools Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
More infos at Fish’n Fins website

Awards Our World Underwater Scholars 2013
OUR WORLD UNDERWATER SCHOLARSHIP, Fondation Rolex , Dema Show, Orlando (Florida)
Pascal Lecocq has been supported the Society since 2003 and wants to increase his help to the students and the mission of the Scholarship Society.
It’s also the aim of his foundation, the “Pascal Lecocq Foundation for the Arts and Environmental Education” to help and promote children to express themselves by painting and being concerned by the environment…
Giving one of his artpiece to scholars Jeff Hester 2013, North American Scholar, his compatriot Chloé Maréchal, European Scholar 2013 and Stefan Andrews Australasia Scholar 2013, he declares to encourage also the students to consider art as an important part of their research.
For more than 35 years, Our World Underwater Scholarship Society has created invaluable opportunities for its young scholars and interns to pursue careers related to the underwater world. We provide experience-based scholarships and internships with renowned marine and freshwater experts throughout the world.
With decades of generous and unwavering support from volunteers and sponsors like Rolex, Our World Underwater Scholarship Society has seen its scholars and interns make lasting contributions to the underwater world. In fact, the vast majority of former scholars and interns are still working in underwater-related fields.
At Pascal’s 16th solo exhibition at Dema Show, Orlando, booth 1178
April: Children Drawings Contest Enghien-les-Bains, France
Initiated by Alexandra Blot, a teacher of the Ecole d’Ormesson in Enghien-les-Bains, France, the pupils of the CPb had been working on some artwork based on Pascal’s paintings.
Enghien, as a town dedicated to spa and water, exhibits every years the artworks of its students based on classic or contemporary artists. This year, the theme was ”Water”.
Mrs Blot picked up Pascal’s marine artwork for her school.
The pupils duplicated and simplified the designs, used brushes and sponges for backgrounds, added drawings (with some adults’ help), paints the characters, clipped and pasted them then…enjoyed the masterpieces !
Great job and Congrats.
Nov 14-17 Las Vegas Dema Show Awards Our World Underwater Scholars
The scholars Megan Cook (US), Yolly Bosiger (Aus) and Oscar Swenson (SW) of the OWU scholarship Rolex foundation with Pascal; Pascal’s Foundation is a proud sponsor of the scholars since 2004.
Nov 2-5 Orlando Dema show Awards Our World Underwater Scholars
The scholars Christian Clark (US), Anthea Ibell (NZ) and Erin MCFaddden (UK) of the OWU scholarship Rolex foundation with Pascal; Pascal’s Foundation is a proud sponsor of the scholars since 2004.
June 15th: Concours du Salon de La Plongee à Paris
Paris, Salon de la Plongee
June:Contest results
Many winners to choose between 118 drawings!
List of the winners ! Liste des gagnants !
Congratulations to Amélie P., from Seine-Maritime
A contest “I’m drawing with Pascal and I choose my fish wisely” for children took place during the Paris Dive Show 2010( See the pics).
Almost 100 kids entered the contest, worked on 118 drawings and made good resolutions to make a difference in our environment. We got participations of several schools in France, thanks to the teachers met at the Paris Dive Show.
See all the drawings, Toutes les images ici, published also with our partner Paradise-Plongee.com
Prizes from sponsors as Pascal Lecocq Foundation for the Arts and Environmental Education, Nausicaa, Ecosys

February 6th: Gumbo Limbo Children Contest
BOCA RATON, Gumbo Limbo Nature Venter
February 6th
Due to unforeseen circumstances (a mandatory interview for my visa in Paris), we have unfortunately had to cancel several exhibition and events. The 3rd Children Contest at the Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton, FL is postponed. .

Last year Boca Raton Forum newspaper cover
January: Paris Dive Show Children Contest
PARIS, Paris Dive Show
January 15-18

January: New Children Contest
< p align="justify">PARIS, Paris Dive Show
January 15-18
Cette année, je lance une 4eme épreuve: aux mêmes endroits, sur le même principe de dessin et de questionnaire écologique, sur le thème: “Bien choisir son poisson”.
Les enfants pourront dessiner au milieu de mon exposition lors du Salon de la Plongée à Paris et lors d’un atelier à Boca Raton, en Floride, le 6 février. Les résultats américains seront annoncés lors du “Turtle Day”, le 6 mars 2010. Le concours français sera prolongé jusqu’à fin mars pour permettre aux classes de s’organiser. Résultats en mai. Le concours est doté d’éditions d’art dédicacées, de matériel de peinture, de peluches Ecosys et d’entrées à Nausicaa.
Les Formulaires et les modèles de dessins sont téléchargeables dès à présent ici.
2010 formulaire concours enfant.pdf en français à télécharger.
dessin 1.pdf en français à télécharger.
dessin 2.pdf en français à télécharger.
dessin 3.pdf en français à télécharger.
dessin 4.pdf en français à télécharger.
French Contest 2007
French Contest 2008
US Contest 2008
French Contest 2009
US Contest 2009
Rules and downloadable files on Gumbo Limbo website and on Pascal’s Foundation website. End of the US contest Feb 28th. Winner announced on Turtle Day March 6th
Gumbo Limbo Environmental Complex
1801 North Ocean Blvd
Boca Raton, FL 33432

Nov 5: Award OWU Scholarship Dema Orlando
Nov 3- Nov 6, 2009
OWU Scholarship Society, Fondation Rolex
Pascal Lecocq has been supported the Society for the last few years and wants to increase his help to the students and the mission of the Scholarship Society.
It’s also the aim of his foundation, the “Pascal Lecocq Foundation for the Arts and Environmental Education” to help and promote children to express themselves by painting and being concerned by the environment…
Giving one of his artpiece to scholars Myfanwy Rowlands 2009, North American Scholar, and Filip Wolski, European Scholar 2009, he declares to encourage also the students to consider art as an important part of their research.
For more than 35 years, Our World Underwater Scholarship Society has created invaluable opportunities for its young scholars and interns to pursue careers related to the underwater world. We provide experience-based scholarships and internships with renowned marine and freshwater experts throughout the world.
With decades of generous and unwavering support from volunteers and sponsors like Rolex, Our World Underwater Scholarship Society has seen its scholars and interns make lasting contributions to the underwater world. In fact, the vast majority of former scholars and interns are still working in underwater-related fields.

June 14th: Concours du Salon de La Plongee à Paris
Paris, Salon de la Plongee
May:Contest results coming soon
Many winners to choose between 114 drawings!
List of the winners ! Liste des gagnants !
Congratulations to Jeanne F. from St Revets les eaux
A contest “I’m drawing with Pascal and say no to plastic bags” for children took place during the Paris Dive Show 2009( See the pics).
Almost 100 kids entered the contest, worked on 114 drawings and made good resolutions to make a difference in our environment. A total of 222 drawings including contestants in USA. We got participations of several schools in France, Italy and Maroc, thanks to the teachers met at the Paris Dive Show.
See all the drawings, Toutes les images :, published also with our partner Paradise-Plongee.com
Prizes from sponsors as Pascal Lecocq Foundation for the Arts and Environmental Education, Nausicaa, Cite de la Mer

March 7th Turtle Day, Boca Raton and Contest results
BOCA RATON, Gumbo Limbo
March 7th Turtle Day, Boca Raton and Contest results:
Awards Ceremony at 11:30 am
List of the winners
A contest “I’m drawing with Pascal and say no to plastic bags” for children took place since December, with a workshop session on Feb 7th (See the pics).
99 kids entered the contest, worked on 108 drawings and made good resolutions to make a difference in our environment.
Trained by Pascal and volunters, they also signed a mural, revealed on Turtle Day .
Prizes from sponsors as Pascal Lecocq Foundation for the Arts and Environmental Education, Gumbo Limbo Environmental Complex spread to winners
1st Grand Prize Young Artist: Fiona S., 10,(top right)
1st Prize Technique Mater: Tatiana B., Boca raton
1st Prize Environmental Artist: Rebecca G., 9
1st Grand Prize Environmental concern: Paris Rose S., 5,
Gumbo Limbo Environmental Complex
1801 North Ocean Blvd
Boca Raton, FL 33432