June 15th: Concours du Salon de La Plongee à Paris
Paris, Salon de la Plongee
June:Contest results
Many winners to choose between 118 drawings!
List of the winners ! Liste des gagnants !
Congratulations to Amélie P., from Seine-Maritime
A contest “I’m drawing with Pascal and I choose my fish wisely” for children took place during the Paris Dive Show 2010( See the pics).
Almost 100 kids entered the contest, worked on 118 drawings and made good resolutions to make a difference in our environment. We got participations of several schools in France, thanks to the teachers met at the Paris Dive Show.
See all the drawings, Toutes les images ici, published also with our partner Paradise-Plongee.com
Prizes from sponsors as Pascal Lecocq Foundation for the Arts and Environmental Education, Nausicaa, Ecosys

January: New Children Contest
< p align="justify">PARIS, Paris Dive Show
January 15-18
Cette année, je lance une 4eme épreuve: aux mêmes endroits, sur le même principe de dessin et de questionnaire écologique, sur le thème: “Bien choisir son poisson”.
Les enfants pourront dessiner au milieu de mon exposition lors du Salon de la Plongée à Paris et lors d’un atelier à Boca Raton, en Floride, le 6 février. Les résultats américains seront annoncés lors du “Turtle Day”, le 6 mars 2010. Le concours français sera prolongé jusqu’à fin mars pour permettre aux classes de s’organiser. Résultats en mai. Le concours est doté d’éditions d’art dédicacées, de matériel de peinture, de peluches Ecosys et d’entrées à Nausicaa.
Les Formulaires et les modèles de dessins sont téléchargeables dès à présent ici.
2010 formulaire concours enfant.pdf en français à télécharger.
dessin 1.pdf en français à télécharger.
dessin 2.pdf en français à télécharger.
dessin 3.pdf en français à télécharger.
dessin 4.pdf en français à télécharger.
French Contest 2007
French Contest 2008
US Contest 2008
French Contest 2009
US Contest 2009
Rules and downloadable files on Gumbo Limbo website and on Pascal’s Foundation website. End of the US contest Feb 28th. Winner announced on Turtle Day March 6th
Gumbo Limbo Environmental Complex
1801 North Ocean Blvd
Boca Raton, FL 33432

June 14th: Concours du Salon de La Plongee à Paris
Paris, Salon de la Plongee
May:Contest results coming soon
Many winners to choose between 114 drawings!
List of the winners ! Liste des gagnants !
Congratulations to Jeanne F. from St Revets les eaux
A contest “I’m drawing with Pascal and say no to plastic bags” for children took place during the Paris Dive Show 2009( See the pics).
Almost 100 kids entered the contest, worked on 114 drawings and made good resolutions to make a difference in our environment. A total of 222 drawings including contestants in USA. We got participations of several schools in France, Italy and Maroc, thanks to the teachers met at the Paris Dive Show.
See all the drawings, Toutes les images :, published also with our partner Paradise-Plongee.com
Prizes from sponsors as Pascal Lecocq Foundation for the Arts and Environmental Education, Nausicaa, Cite de la Mer

January 9-12 Paris Dive Show Children Contest
PARIS, Salon de la Plongée
January 9-12, 2009
Parc des expositions porte de Versailles, Hall 5, booth G 16
A contest “I’m drawing with Pascal and say No to Plastic bags and bottles” for children is taking place during the exhibition. Rules and downloadable files on Paradise-Plongee.com and on Pascal’s Foundation website. End of the contest March 31st. Prizes from sponsors as Pascal Lecocq Foundation for the Arts and Environmental Education, Nausicaa Centre de la Mer, Cité de la Mer de Cherbourg
2009 formulaire concours enfant.pdf en français à télécharger.
dessin 1.pdf en français à télécharger.
dessin 2.pdf en français à télécharger.
dessin 3.pdf en français à télécharger.
dessin 4.pdf en français à télécharger.
More infos about Paris Dive Show

June , Paris Dive Show: contest results
Results of the French CONTEST,
Pascal launched a new contest with kids (during the Paris Dive Show in January 2008 and with the Gumbo Limbo Environmental Complex of Boca Raton (Florida, Dec-March 2008), based on: “I’m drawing endangered sea turtles”.
Rules and were downloaded files on Paradise-Plongee.com on Pascal’s Foundation website. End of the contest was March 31st. Prizes from sponsors as Pascal Lecocq Foundation for the Arts and Environmental Education, and Nausicaa Centre de la Mer, won by Ines B. 6, from Paris, Margaux L. 4, from Dennemont, and more.

Jan-March Children drawing contest
PARIS, Salon de la Plongée
January 11-14, 2008
Parc des expositions porte de Versailles, Hall 5, BOOTH # G28.
Jan 10-14
Pascal launches a new contest with kids (during the Paris Dive Show in January 2008 and with the Gumbo Limbo Environmental Complex of Boca Raton (Florida, Dec-March 2008), based on: “I’m drawing endangered sea turtles”.
Rules and downloable files on Paradise-Plongee.com on Pascal’s Foundation website. End of the contest March 31st. Prizes from sponsors as Pascal Lecocq Foundation for the Arts and Environmental Education, and Nausicaa Centre de la Mer,
Prizes to choose…

Jan 10-14 2008, Paris Dive Show: new contest
Jan 10-14
Pascal launches a new contest with kids (during the Paris Dive Show in January 2008 and with the Gumbo Limbo Environmental Complex of Boca Raton (Florida, Dec-March 2008), based on: “I’m drawing endangered sea turtles”.
Rules and downloable files on Paradise-Plongee.com on Pascal’s Foundation website. End of the contest March 31st. Prizes from sponsors as Pascal Lecocq Foundation for the Arts and Environmental Education, and Nausicaa Centre de la Mer,
Prizes to choose…
Corrida, artprint
Caution, turtle crossing
Chevrett’ & Turtu, limited edition print
Chevrett’ & Turtu: High Five, limited edition print